“He is an extreme liberal,” said Inhofe, speaking on Aaron Klein investigative radio, as originally reported by the conservative website World Net Daily. “Let’s face it. And this is going to sound maybe a little hysterical, but someone who really is an extreme liberal doesn’t think we need a military anyway.”
Inhofe, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is the self-proclaimed most conservative member of the Senate, and often blasts Obama for his plans to slash $487 billion from the military’s budget over the next decade.
“They think if all countries will stand in a circle and hold hands and unilaterally disarm the threats will go away,” said Inhofe, speaking of liberals. “That’s what we’ve got for a president.
“Now we see he is cutting a half a trillion dollars out of our military over 10 years and he has agreed to sequestration, which is another half-trillion … He is disarming America.”