“For the past week, the president’s been running around the country trying to set a record for the numbers of times he can say pass this bill ‘right away’ in a five-minute stump speech,” said McConnell. “Meanwhile, his communications director is telling people he doesn’t really expect the bill to pass.”
“The president’s out there acting like somebody’s actually putting up a fight [against the bill in Congress],” continued McConnell.
“So this whole thing is a charade. And I think the American people deserve better than that.”
McConnell also pointed out that although there has been quite a bit of discussion of the president’s plan in the two chambers, so far no significant legislative action has been taken, or even planned.
“The Democratic majority leader of the Senate is treating it like a legislative afterthought,” said McConnell. “My friend the majority leader said yesterday he might take up this supposedly ‘urgent’ bill next month, after he’s had a chance to deal with a Chinese currency bill and a few others.”
“As for the other Democrats in Congress, well they’re not exactly rushing to get in it the queue either,” he concluded.