In The Know

Hillary Clinton to speak at Yale graduation

Hillary Clinton will speak at a Yale University graduation event this May.

The co-chairs of the event, which is called Class Day, informed seniors of the speaker choice via email Monday night, the Yale Daily News reported. The former Democratic presidential nominee will speak on May 20, the day before the official commencement ceremony.

Clinton, who graduated from Yale Law School in 1973, will be the fourth member of the Obama administration to speak at the college’s Class Day, joining fellow former Secretary of State John Kerry, former Vice President Joe Biden and former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power.


Since losing the 2016 election, Clinton released a memoir on the campaign, titled “What Happened,” and has chimed in on social media about certain policy issues.

Even after the campaign, Republicans have suggested Clinton should be prosecuted for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of State. Multiple chants of “lock her up” broke out at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference.