Foreign Policy

More Groveling to the Far Left

The capitulation of the national Democratic Party to the far left continues. You may recall that the bloggers launched a campaign early this year to have national Democrats “repudiate” their support for the Iraq war and “apologize” for their votes to oust Saddam Hussein.

One by one, the candidates capitulated. John Edwards surrendered without a fight. So did Chris Dodd. Barack Obama trumpeted the fact that he NEVER supported ousting Saddam. Hillary Clinton put up a fight, but in the end, joined the “Surrender Now” chorus of the other candidates.

Well, Gen. David Petraeus will be testifying on the Hill this week to discuss military and political progress of the past few months in Iraq and the leftists are at it again. has launched an ad campaign under the title “General Betray Us.” Get it? Ha, ha. Of course, MoveOn “supports the troops.”

Senior Democratic senators have raised questions about Petraeus’s independence and credibility.

The problem is that Petraeus was just recently confirmed by the Senate by an 81-0 vote. Clinton, Biden, Dodd, and this time, Obama, all voted to confirm him. The question must be asked: Will these senators now be asked to repudiate THIS vote also? If so, what does that say about their leadership capabilities? If they can’t stand up to a few pesky bloggers, how will they have the will to fight radical Islamic terrorism for the long term? Democrats are learning that there is no satisfying their far left base.