
South Carolina Urges Abortion Ultrasounds

The South Carolina House passed the Ultrasound Bill (H-3355) on March 21, 2007 by a vote of 91-23. After third reading, normally a formality, the Ultrasound Bill moves to the South Carolina Senate. As you may know, the bill requires that every woman who is considering an abortion receive and view an ultrasound before making her final choice.This bill is wide open for both sides of the abortion debate to reach an agreement.

Many are appalled to read about H-3355. They believe forcing women to view an ultrasound before receiving an abortion is blatant discrimination. Yet there are those who see this as an opportunity for women to change their minds when considering killing an unborn fetus. As Gov. Mark Sanford stated, “This new ultrasound requirement is an important one in that I think it has the potential to lessen the number of abortions carried out in South Carolina.”

I think he is right. This is an important bill that can assist in reducing the number of abortions in South Carolina and provides the woman with the available information to allow her to make an informed choice. If pregnancies (except in the cases of incest and rape) are prevented before conception, then this bill would not be necessary. But after conception, a human life is involved and viewing an ultrasound may make a big difference in whether or not that fetus has a chance at life.