
Immigration revisited

Is it possible to be pro-immigration in this country and still support
the principles of the state of Alabama’s immigration laws, dubbed some
of the strictest in the nation?


Sound paradoxical? Not at all.

First things first. Yes, the state’s laws are tough, and in some cases,
questionable, as in one provision that requires students to document
their immigration status before enrolling in school. The fact that a
significant percentage of Hispanics failed to do so in recent weeks
shouldn’t come as any surprise, if you believe that close to 10 percent
of Alabama’s Hispanic population is here illegally. I don’t know the
exact number in the state, but it’s not as if no one of Hispanic origin
showed to school that day.

I hate to continue laying America’s toughest social problems — the economy, moral compass, immigration, etc. — at the feet of this president and Congress, but it’s their fault.

Alabama’s laws are based on a simple principle: If you’re in the state in such a manner that wantonly violates the laws of the land, then they’re going to do what the feds are unwilling to do — step up and call you out.

If you don’t like the current immigration policies, then change the law! Don’t just complain about the more responsible governments, like Alabama’s, that step up and actually enforce the laws on the books.

And listen, there is a role here for pro-immigration groups, both Hispanic and non- — to play. It’s in everyone’s best interest to step up and clean up the immigration policies of the United States. Let’s end the confusion and the suspicious glances. Let’s end the mindless accusations such as that of one Alabama lawmaker, when he said he sponsored the bill because “They were coming in here like thieves in the night and taking our jobs and tax revenue.” That’s a little over the top. Immigration violators are deserving of justice, not hatred. And when one slams into the other, then problems arise.

Congress and the president have a responsibility to address this issue, not bat it around every two or four years to score political points. Easier said than done? It shouldn’t be. Just look at states such as Arizona, South Carolina, Utah and Georgia. Alabama isn’t a border state, it’s just tired of waiting for the feds to act. Aren’t we all.