International Affairs

Palin speech tonight at Reagan Center

OMG, Sarah “I can see Russia from my house” Palin is about to give a major
speech tonight in California at the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center. For all of you
who are waiting with bated breath to hear her views, maybe on Egypt, which she
has not said a peep about, you will have to wait until near midnight East Coast

Why have we not heard a Twitter from Sarah? Not a Facebook posting? Not a
ghostwritten piece in The Wall Street Journal or even a quick comment on Fox News?

Could it be, as comedian Andy Borowitz put it, “On the Republican side, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said that she would refrain from commenting on the situation in Egypt until she learned how to pronounce ‘Mubarak’ ”? Oh, that is rough! 

Actually, this would, of course, be totally the wrong time for Palin to make any of her outlandish statements. We can only hope that she sticks to political pabulum, cloaks herself in Reaganisms and stays away from foreign policy, especially the Middle East.  

But don’t count on it — she might just not be able to resist the temptation to inject herself into the middle of the unfolding story in Egypt.

Most Republicans have been responsible and wise (Rand Paul excluded) and truly understand the sensitivity and delicate nature of diplomacy during this critical time. Politics has, indeed, stopped at the water’s edge. 

We all hold our breath in the hopes that Sarah Palin can keep it that way. But don’t count on it.