Lawmaker News

What are Democrats Thinking?

Who says there’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats?

When Republicans are in power, they band together and take on Democrats. When Democrats are in power, they split apart and eat their own.

Just look at what’s happening with Roland Burris. It is monumentally shortsighted, and political suicide, for Democrats to deny him his Senate seat.

So what if he was appointed by Rod Blagojevich? His appointment was legal. Burris is constitutionally qualified. End of story. Or should be. Instead, Democrats have launched this crazy campaign to block Burris’s appointment because they don’t like Rod Blagojevich. Hello? Nobody likes Rod Blagojevich. That’s irrelevant.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) appears to be the only Democrat who understands. By making such a fuss over Burris — blocking him at the Senate door — Democrats are only making him look like a victim, making the Democratic Party look intolerant, and keeping this issue alive for weeks or months.

How much smarter it would be to just give Burris his seat and then move on, with one more solid Democratic vote, to fight Republicans over the stimulus package — and stop fighting each other.

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