Presidential Campaign

Sanders leads progressive uprising

Another day brings more good news for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). According to a new WMUR/CNN poll of likely voters in New Hampshire, Sanders has closed to within 8 percentage points of Hillary Clinton, with Clinton leading Sanders only 43 to 35 percent.

{mosads}Most of the major political media and political insiders miss the essential point of the strong and growing surge for Sanders’s presidential campaign. Sanders is leading a nationwide uprising of progressives and populists who are fed up with a politics that is dominated by big money, special interests and political insiders who make a career out of rushing through revolving doors of government service, lobbying deals and mainstream media appearances to promote whatever interest is paying them money.

Most true liberals, true progressives and true populists were appalled by the spectacle in Washington this week over foreign trade. It was appalling that while Sanders stood with American workers over trade, President Obama attacked progressives, labor leaders and many environmental groups over trade and then claimed a great victory when the bill was passed due to his alliance with Republicans and conservatives in Congress. Make no mistake, lobbyists for companies that export American jobs to low-wage nations were overjoyed by the alliance between Obama and Republican leaders against liberals, labor leaders and most Democrats in Congress.

While Sanders was waging the battle for workers during the trade debate in Washington, many liberals, progressives and true populists were not inspired when Clinton remained on the sideline during this battle — which only fueled the grassroots progressive uprising promoting Sanders even more.

The grassroots uprising was further fueled by the sight of a Democratic president insulting and berating liberals and labor over trade and then celebrating his “victory” over them created by his alliance with Republican leaders — against the large majority of Democrats in Congress, who opposed the fast-track trade bill.

There is a progressive wave growing America and Sanders is riding this wave while moving to lead it and shape it. Sanders is a conviction politician who fights good fights and supports good causes. He always says what he believes and fights for his causes with deeds — not only words — which is why his campaign is surging and his support is growing.

There is a genuine progressive populist uprising throughout the Democratic Party. President Obama may sometimes insult it. The mainstream media may be condescending towards it. Hillary Clinton may not know what to make of it. But Bernie Sanders is fighting for it with his heart and soul and that is why his support is surging in New Hampshire and elsewhere.

Budowsky was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) and former Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.), who was then chief deputy majority whip of the House. He holds an LL.M. degree in international financial law from the London School of Economics. Contact him at