Ross Perot is back! Well, not exactly Perot himself. But the next best thing — his charts. No fooling. Check out I write about Perot (and his charts) in my column today for The Hill.
I gotta tell you, I think this presidential race could use the adrenalized jolt that a Ross Perot type character could provide. Apologies to all the Ron Paul fans, but Mr. Paul’s not in the same league compared to Perot hitting the stage in 1992.
Sure, Perot might be old, but his charts look newer than ever, although with much scarier numbers. The centerpiece of Perot’s angst is the $9.4 trillion national debt, which Perot says is growing at about $1 billion a day.
Social Security. Medicare. Out-of-balance budgets. All topics that Perot tackles. Would be nice if we could get John McCain and Barack Obama focused on entitlement reform/solvency sometime during this campaign, too.
David Broder rightly pointed out that would benefit greatly from more of Perot and less of the polished, professional voice that narrates a pretty interesting slide presentation. But, still, there is plenty there for the diehard Perotistas to get jazzed about.
Check out my column and and feel free to report back here what you find interesting.