Presidential Campaign

No Time to Pull Plug

Welcome to Press’s First Rule of Politics: The longer you’re inside the Beltway, the more disconnected you are from the real world. All those talking heads on television, for example? Ninety percent of them live inside the Beltway — and 90 percent of them only repeat what the other 10 percent are saying.

Remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal? Washington’s sanctimonious talking heads demanded that Bill Clinton resign the presidency. Meanwhile, out in the heartland, a vast majority of the American people said he should hang in there and fight.

We’re seeing the same disconnect today. Inside the Beltway, most gas bags are insisting that Hillary Clinton must quit the primary, because Barack Obama’s more than 100 delegates ahead of her and Democrats are getting tired of the campaign.

But, once again, they’re completely out of touch. According to the latest Rasmussen poll, only 22 percent of Democrats believe that Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race. Ironically, the same number, 22 percent, believe Barack Obama should drop out of the race. Meanwhile, a remarkable 62 percent of all Democrats want the primary to continue, until there’s a clear winner.

There’s nothing wrong with this primary continuing right up to the convention, if necessary. The result will be a bigger, stronger and — in the end — more unified party against John McCain.

So, the next time you see some airhead pontificating on CNN or MSNBC or Fox, don’t pay any attention. You know more than he does … Unless, of course, it’s me!

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