Presidential Campaign

3 ways Trump’s election is truly historic

Donald Trump’s election to the presidency is historic.

Here are three quick reasons why.

1. Trump is the only person elected president who never held a government position prior to his election.

All U.S. presidents had held an elected or appointed political position prior to becoming president or served in the U.S. military.

Un-elected outsiders who became president were U.S. military Gens. Zachary Taylor, Ulysses Grant and Dwight Eisenhower.

The other un-elected exception was businessman Herbert Hoover, who had served as in the Cabinet as Commerce secretary for Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren Harding.

Chester Arthur had served in a presidential appointment as head of the New York Port Authority before becoming vice president, and then president shortly thereafter following the assassination of President James Garfield a few months after his election.

2. At 70, Trump is the oldest person ever elected president.

Ronald Reagan turned 70 in February 1981, three months after his election in November 1980. Prior to that, William Henry Harrison was the oldest president. He was elected at age 67 in 1840.

3. Trump is the only president-elect who is married to an immigrant.

Melania Trump was born in Slovenia, then part of Yugoslavia to parents who were also from Yugoslavia.

Louisa Adams, the wife of President John Quincy Adams, was the only other foreign-born first lady. However, Louisa’s father was born in Maryland and her mother was born in London. Therefore, Louisa was an American citizen born abroad.

Though these and other reasons make Donald Trump’s election historic, every U.S. presidency is historic because it shows the peaceful transfer of power in a country based on representation, not royalty.

Cook is the author of nine books including her new book, “The Burning of the White House: James and Dolley Madison and the War of 1812.”

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