The Administration

Reagan Democrats and Obama

Attorney General Eric Holder epitomizes the disconnect between the president and the once-loyal Reagan Democrats. He’s against the Arizona immigration law, even though he hasn’t read it. He continuously refuses to admit that Islamic terrorism was the central motive for the recent attempted Time Square bombing. He continues to equivocate on where the location for the 9/11 terror trials should be held.

Our president’s big government and stimulus spending is defying the logic of checkbook accounting that most Americans subscribe to: You can’t spend more money than that which you have in your checking account. The State Department is now apologizing to the Chinese about the Arizona immigration law because it violates human rights. What is wrong with this picture, given the Chinese past and current history with human-rights abuses in their country? The president’s Supreme Court choices are clearly out of sync with Regan Democrats who don’t believe a Latino jurist is inherently any wiser than a WASP.
