The Administration

Rove’s Departure Will Hurt Bush, You Say

You were fairly evenly divided over whether Karl Rove’s departure from the White House would help or hurt President Bush during the remainder of his term. The split on the Quick Poll! question was 56 percent to 44, which some of you will doubtless point out is regarded as a landslide in other contexts (presidential elections, for example). But I reckon the 12-point margin suggests serious doubt about the balance of good and harm Rove was doing his boss, at least recently.

Some of you thought there should have been a category of answer labeled “neither of the above,” or similar, which would be reasonable if the point was to test shades of gray rather than simply see how the “helps” and “hurts” stacked up.

There’ll be another QP! question posted soon. Watch out for it and be sure to vote.