But the season of the witch is turning already, even before the
Copenhagen counsel of shrouded earth shamans and neo-druids with their bush
souls and familiars heats up, turning again to the season of rebirth. Because
everything dies and everything is born again and that is the story of Christmas.
The Democrats are a fickle bunch. Wanda Sykes, the late
night comic who wants to be the new Oprah, is tired of Obama already. She wants
Bill back. That is their fatal yearning. A brilliant philosopher said 15 years
ago that a free republic like the one we were handed by Eisenhower at the end
of World War II could not exist with political dialogue at the Oprah day-time
talk show level. I felt she was premature about that but I did think the Bill
yearnings could be fatal to the republic, and there is still time for Bill and
Hillary to kill it. Because when we got to Bill and Hillary we entered then
some of us into that mystical state of political idolatry akin to that of the
Russians in the time of Peter and Catherine the Great.
Obama may not be a great president but he is a superior
individual as Eisenhower was, as Kennedy was, as Reagan was. Clinton is not.
Gore is not. Hillary is not. And their supporters are a faithless. They will
throw Obama to the dogs in a minute and are just waiting for the signal.
(Malcolm X warned of this). That signal occurred last week when Obama’s ratings
went below 50 percent. Get ready. Visualize this: A Hillary/Wes Clark (or Jim
Webb or Joe Sestak) ticket vs. a Palin/Mitt Romney ticket in 2012. It would
send the Woodstock nostalgicos fleeing in a horde up here to Vermont and New
Hampshire when they lose every state except Massachusetts.
There was a time when we did not look to stand-up comics for
political commentary. It poisons the dialog. There was a time when comics were
clever, politicians were warriors and political writers were faithful and more
or less responsible. But my favorite Buddhist monk, Leonard Cohen, says
everybody knows the boat is leaking, everybody knows the captain lied. And
Democrats again are yearning for Bill.
I’ve not seen the “2012” movie yet. They say it is hot.
Everybody dies, don’t cha know. These end of the world visions which torment Al,
the Perfect Master of Fire and Ice, and the others seem largely based on that
moment in The Grinch that Stole Christmas when Max, the Grinch’s dog, is
teetering on the edge — the tippity-top — of a cliff and all the presents are
about to go crashing down on Whoville all at once, smashing toys, Whoville,
Betty Lou Who and Max together. It’s not like that.
It’s more like the Eliot Wave theory which has the dollar
rising and receding in a natural arc in a 41-some year period, going up, starting
in the early Seventies, reaching its peak in Clinton territory, then starting
gradually back down the mountain. The crash of the Thai baht in the late 1990s
was a turning back; the receding economy of Japan was a turning back, the
decision to change the dollar from a perfect, harmonious masterpiece of circles
and squares to a bloated, off-kilter deconstructionist contusion was a turning
back and the radical mid-stream California recall in 2003 — a hysterical,
unconscious cri du coeur for a Strong Man savior — was a turning back. It comes
to an end in 1911 thereabouts.
But then somehow, somewhere, it will begin again because it
always does. And wherever that is it will always be better to be in Tennessee,
especially at Christmas.
Visit Mr. Quigley’s website at http://quigleyblog.blogspot.com.