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Muslim lawmaker visits Israel, tweets about it

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), one of two Muslims serving in Congress, is tweeting about his trip to Israel.

Ellison was in Tel Aviv Thursday meeting with left-wing peace organizations. Using his verified Twitter account @keithellison, he tweeted:

Met Israeli peace groups. Brave courageous peace advocates talked re recent challenges to freedom of expression. B’Tselem, ACRI, Peace Now.

The congressman visited the site of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s 1995 assassination by a right-wing student. He tweeted:

Price brave leaders pay for peace.

Ellison also spoke with human rights lawyer Danny Seidman about conflict in the region:

Fascinating talk w/ Danny Sideman (sic), focuses politics on Jerusalem “City of Peace”. Conflict is morphing from Political to Religious

The Minnesota lawmaker, who is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, expressed concern about expansion of Jewish settlements, but stressed in one tweet he was:

Not in Israel to assign blame, but to work for reconciliation. No future in fixing blame; only fixing problem.

Ellison has also visited Saudi Arabia and Jordan during his trip through the Middle East.

Here’s a photo of the Congressman with young Israeli political leaders in Tel Aviv:http://www.zannel.com/viewupdate.htm?id=P7V1US