
Liberal group urges Senate panel to vote against Scalia as Labor secretary

The liberal organization Allied Progress is pushing members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee to oppose Eugene Scalia’s nomination as Labor secretary, calling him “too extreme and too conflicted.” 

{mosads}“We know everything we need to know about Scalia’s record to conclude today that he is too extreme and too conflicted for this role, including his troubling views that companies shouldn’t be held responsible for sexual harassment at the workplace,” reads a letter, first obtained by The Hill, from the group that is being hand delivered on Tuesday to Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) as well as all committee members.

“Eugene Scalia may be a gifted legal mind when it comes to defending big businesses, but he has no business leading the Labor Department. America’s working families deserve far better. I strongly encourage you to oppose this nomination on its face,” the letter, signed by Allied Progress senior adviser Kyle Herrig, continues. 

It outlines Scalia’s record on safety and sexual harassment in the workplace, including notable legal arguments from his work as a lawyer for businesses in high-profile labor fights. 

“There is nothing that could be brought to light during the nomination process that would redeem Eugene Scalia’s anti-worker record,” Jeremy Funk, spokesman for Allied Progress, said in a statement. “What more do Senators need to know about this prominent corporate attorney who never hesitated to represent powerful corporate interests that mistreated employees?”

The consumer watchdog group, which focuses on holding special interests accountable, has been a leading voice against Scalia, the son of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who was tapped by President Trump in July.

Eugene Scalia was officially nominated in August and he will soon face a confirmation hearing before the Senate HELP Committee now that Congress has returned from summer recess.