Local official pushes to bring 5G to rural areas

The agricultural commissioner of Kern County, Calif., said in an interview that aired Wednesday on Hill.TV’s “Boundless” that if governments created policies aimed at bringing companies to rural areas, farmers would have more access to 5G technology.

“If the government could enact policy that would make it more conducive for companies to want to expand to rural areas, that’s obviously going to help farmers get access to the 5G technology so that they could utilize all of the up and coming developments that are made in this area,” Glenn Fankhauser told Hill.TV. 

“So anything that policymakers can do to kind of grease the wheels essentially to make that happen would be a good thing,” he continued. 

Governments around the world are beginning to promote policies aimed at encouraging 5G technology and smart farming. 

The Australian government provided $60 million dollars in grants aimed at supporting smart farming partnerships. In the U.S., lawmakers are raising concerns that large areas of rural America still lack access to stable internet coverage and are pressing toward the goal of 5G coverage nationwide.

“Boundless” is a Hill.TV documentary series focused on technological advancements. 

— Julia Manchester

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