Tech expert says merging 5G and artificial intelligence will make humans better problem solvers

The merging of 5G and artificial intelligence (AI) will help humans become better problem solvers at a low cost, Hitachi Vantara executive Justin Bean said in an interview that aired Thursday on Hill.TV’s “Boundless.” 

“Intelligence is moving to the edge of humanity,” Bean, director of Smart Spaces and Video Intelligence Marketing at Hitachi Vantara, told Hill.TV. “So with these more intelligent devices in more people’s hands, everyone at the edge can have that real-time information, as well as historical insight, so that they can do their job better and they can make smarter decisions wherever it is that they do what they do.”

“That can be a teacher, that can be a train conductor, that can be a law enforcement officer, or emergency services worker,” he continued. 

“All of these people can have all of this intelligence at their fingertips, and in that way, we can have this distributed intelligence networks of people,” he said. “That means that we can attack problems faster, more productively, and also in an anti-fragile sense, and in a way that is less expensive to implement.” 

Bean’s comments come as experts praise recent advancements made in AI.  

A Pew Research Center Study released earlier this month found that a majority of AI experts believe that the intelligence will have a positive impact on humans by 2030. 

“Boundless” is a Hill.TV documentary series focused on technological advancements. 

— Julia Manchester

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