Expert says smart home technology will enhance consumers’ experiences

Smart technology will help enhance the in-home lifestyles of consumers through devices and systems that anticipate the needs of residents, tech expert Juan Santos said on Hill.TV’s “Boundless” program.

“It’s a home that actually allows you to have a better experience because it’s aware of what your needs are,” said Santos, senior vice president of brand experience Tavistock Development, a Florida-based company that specializes in designing innovative homes.

“Today, we have very passive relationships with our homes,” Santos told Hill.TV. “We are the ones making everything happen at the home. When you come in, you turn on the lights. When you go to sleep, you set up your alarm clock.”

“Your home should be aware that you need light, and that’s happened for a long time. People put in motion sensors, and you walk inside,” he said. “But then it should also know that you’re headed upstairs and that it should turn the light on.”

“Boundless” is a multi-part Hill.TV documentary series focused on technological advancements. 

— Julia Manchester

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