Elon Musk faces #MeToo allegation, MSM calls it ‘credible’... but is it?: Robby Soave
Pfizer CEO talks INGESTIBLE microchip Schizophrenia pills in VIRAL unearthed 2018 clip
Biden polls TANK as voters say he is SLOW TO ACT on economy
Hillary Clinton lawyer planned 'October SURPRISE,' SCHEMED to INJECT FBI into '16 campaign: Feds
Bill de Blasio running for CONGRESS in Manhattan amid NY Dem IMPLOSION over redistricting
Mitt Romney OPENLY calls for NUCLEAR RETALIATION against Russia in HAWKISH NYT op-ed: Ryan & Robby
Biden FLOUNDERS on monkeypox messaging, #BillGatesBioTerrorist trends
Ryan Grim and Robby Soave discuss the Monkeypox virus and its cases around the world, including new U.S. cases, as well as Bill Gates’ predictions for the next pandemic.
During mtg Live, Marjorie Taylor Greene made the following statements: “Bill Gates is very concerned about monkeypox because this is something, apparently, he can make a lot of money off of. Him and his other buddies.” She then talked about “disgusting” pictures of monkey pox lesions, saying that “They’re going to have pictures of all of these kind of terrifying images. They’re going to show children with this all over their faces. And of course, they’re going to be from. I don’t know where they are going to be from.”
Reporting by Forbes alleges there is not a lot of evidence to support the claims against Bill Gates by Rep. Greene and others. Some people have pointed to Gates’ previous comments urging the world to be more prepared about possible bioterrorist smallpox attacks.
According to Bill Gates, “movies like Outbreak nailed it when they imagined a global disease-fighting team who is ready to respond to a crisis on a moment’s notice. Now we need to make it a reality.”
This 1997 image provided by the CDC during an investigation into an outbreak of monkeypox, which took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), formerly Zaire, and depicts the dorsal surfaces of the hands of a monkeypox case patient, who was displaying the appearance of the characteristic rash during its recuperative stage. As more cases of monkeypox are detected in Europe and North America in 2022, some scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks in Africa say they are baffled by the unusual disease’s spread in developed countries. (CDC via AP)
Elon Musk faces #MeToo allegation, MSM calls it ‘credible’… but is it?: Robby Soave
Robby Soave discusses the allegations of sexual misconduct Elon Musk is facing from a SpaceX flight attendant, and the conservatives who are rallying to his defense.
Pfizer CEO talks INGESTIBLE microchip Schizophrenia pills in VIRAL unearthed 2018 clip
Ryan Grim and Robby Soave react to an un
Ryan Grim and Robby Soave react to an unearthed clip of Pfizer’s CEO allegedly referencing microchip technology.
According to the CDC, COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips. Vaccines are developed to fight against disease and are not administered to track your movement.
Biden polls TANK as voters say he is SLOW TO ACT on economy
Julia Manchester and Philip Wegmann weigh in on President Joe Biden’s recent low approval numbers amid his Asia tour, and how current issues such as inflation, the baby formula crisis, and the war in Ukraine could be impacting these numbers.
Hillary Clinton lawyer planned ‘October SURPRISE,’ SCHEMED to INJECT FBI into ’16 campaign: Feds
Robby Soave and Ryan Grim discuss Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussman as he stands trial for scheming to ‘inject’ the FBI into the 2016 presidential election.
Bill de Blasio running for CONGRESS in Manhattan amid NY Dem IMPLOSION over redistricting
Ryan Grim and Robby Soave discuss the crowded fight for Congressional seats in New York.
Mitt Romney OPENLY calls for NUCLEAR RETALIATION against Russia in HAWKISH NYT op-ed: Ryan & Robby
Robby Soave and Ryan Grim detail Ukraine updates, like Senator Mitt Romney calling on the U.S. to get serious about nuclear war with Russia, and Ukrainian President Zelensky saying the West should have better supported Ukraine more in 2014.
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