Dem rep: Dysfunctional Congress has elevated the Supreme Court

Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) said Tuesday that the dysfunctional nature of Congress has elevated the status of the Supreme Court. 

“It underscores the dysfunction of Congress because the fact that the legislative branch has been so ineffective for so long really has elevated in many ways the importance of the Supreme Court because they’ve really stepped into this vacuum that has existed because Congress has largely been absent,” Delaney, who is running for president in 2020, told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball on “Rising.” 

Delaney’s comments come less than a day after President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace centrist Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. 

If confirmed by the Senate, Trump’s pick of Kavanaugh cements the conservative majority on the nation’s highest court. 

Kennedy voted with liberals on various key decisions including abortion and gay rights and proved to be the swing voter in various 5-4 decisions.

Liberals have raised alarm over Kavanaugh’s stances on previous decisions and stances on issues as warning signs for the future of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.

Kavanaugh is expected to face a tough confirmation process in the Senate, with various Democrats in the upper chamber expressing their displeasure with the nomination.

— Julia Manchester 

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