Election expert: Dems making active effort to elect women in primaries

The managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball, Kyle Kondik, said on Wednesday that Democrats were making an active effort to elect women in primaries ahead of November’s midterm elections. 

“Certainly more Democratic women have been getting nominated,” Kondik told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Ned Ryun on “Rising.”

“The winning percentage for women in these races has been very good. It’s not like no Republican women have been getting nominated, but Democrats seem to be making an active choice. There are a lot of women running in a lot of these House primaries in particular across the country,” he continued. 

Tuesday’s primaries resulted in more victories for women from both parties.  

Minnesota state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) will face off against Jennifer Zielinski (R) in the race for Rep. Keith Ellison’s (D) seat, while Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) will run against Minnesota state Rep. Karin Housley (R) in November. 

Other women who will be competing in their respective general election contests include progressive Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jahana Hayes, and the country’s first transgender nominee for governor, Christine Hallquist. 

— Julia Manchester

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