Dem strategist: Lanny Davis has the same media strategy as Avenatti, Giuliani

Democratic strategist Don Calloway said on Monday that Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, is taking a cue from Rudy Giuliani and Michael Avenatti and is litigating his client’s case in the public arena. 

“He’s going the same thing that Michael Avenatti does. He’s doing the same thing that Rudy Giuliani does, which is litigate the case publicly,” Calloway, who is the CEO of Pine Street Strategies, told Hill.TV’s Ned Ryun and Krystal Ball on “Rising.” 

“Ultimately, to some degree, federal courts don’t like that, but public sentiment has something to do with the adjudication of all of these matters,” he continued. 

Giuliani, who represents President Trump in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, frequently makes appearances on cable news outlets to discuss the investigation. 

Avenatti, who represents adult-film actress Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against Trump, has also made regular appearances on the networks. 

Davis, who is a contributor to The Hill, claimed last week on multiple broadcast networks that Cohen may have information that would be of interest to Mueller about any connections between the Trump campaign and Moscow and referenced the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting attended by Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer. 

However, Davis said on Sunday that he was unsure whether Cohen knows Trump was aware of any Russian interference on his behalf during the 2016 presidential election. 

Trump tweeted about Davis’s clarification, saying it proves the idea he had advance knowledge of his son’s Trump Tower meeting was “another phony story by the Fake News Media.” 

Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges last week, fueling speculation that he could be called as a witness in Mueller’s probe. 

— Julia Manchester


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