David Brock: Kavanaugh is not fit for court

Conservative turned Democratic strategist David Brock said on Monday that President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is not fit to sit on the Supreme Court, citing Kavanaugh’s time working on the Ken Starr probe during the Clinton administration. 

Brock, who is the founder of the left-leaning group Media Matters, said he got to know Kavanaugh personally and professionally through conservative circles in Washington, while he was working at the right-leaning American Spectator. 

He claimed in an op-ed last week that George Conway led a secret group of conservative lawyers, including Kavanaugh, in sending information about Paula Jones’s sexual misconduct case against Clinton to Starr’s team. 

“There was a conduit of information from the Jones case flowing into the Starr investigation, and what they were doing was feeding Starr information about witnesses, witnesses’ testimony inside the Jones case, and it laid the groundwork for the perjury trap that Clinton obviously fell into, and George and Brett were the conduits for that information,” Brock told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball on “Rising.” 

“When you’re a prosecutor, you shouldn’t be engaging in leaking, which Brett did, and I know about,” he continued. 
Conway, who is married to White House counsel Kellyanne Conway, slammed Brock last week on Twitter, saying his claims in the op-ed are false. 
Brock went on to cite Kavanaugh’s role in the probe into White House lawyer Vince Foster’s death during the Clinton administration, saying he acted in an “overzealous” fashion.
“When you’re a prosecutor, you’re supposed to be a dispassionate investigator of facts. He was anything but that,” Brock said.
“In the Vince Foster case, who was a White House lawyer who committed suicide, the first independent counsel concluded after investigating that there was nothing here other than suicide. Then Brett and Ken Starr picked it up again. Brett was driving that train, and they spent another year and a half, millions of dollars, they tortured the Foster family, to find the same thing,” he continued. 
“So in my mind, that’s somebody who is overly zealous, and it’s not fit for a judgeship or the Supreme Court,” he said. 
The Hill has reached out to the White House for comment. 
Kavanaugh underwent days-long testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. 
His nomination to the high court is dependent on Senate Republicans preventing more than one defection against him. 
— Julia Manchester

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