Conservative who’s faced Kavanaugh accuser’s lawyer calls her fair and reasonable

Conservative commentator Armstrong Williams, who faced Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney Debra Katz in a sexual harassment case, said Katz was fair and reasonable. 

“I never had to meet with Ms. Katz. I never had a conversation with her,” Williams told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on “Rising.” 
“But in the end, I thought the process with her, believe it or not, was reasonable and fair. Now I could sit here and use this as political fodder — it’s what people do – and try to malign her, but I can’t say that,” he continued. 
“I, actually, at the end of the day, walked away saying that I was okay with the process because in the end, I have to take responsibility for my actions,” he said. 
Williams settled a sexual harassment lawsuit last year that was filed by Charlton Woodyard, a former salesman at a Jos. A. Bank outlet. 
Woodyard, who was represented by Katz, accused Williams of asking for sexual favors after the two had become friends. 
Katz, who is representing Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford, came under scrutiny last week along with Ford’s other attorney, Lisa Banks, after they were scheduled to appear as headliners at a fundraising event for Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.). 
The event has since been canceled. 
President Trump told reporters on Monday that the accusations against Kavanaugh were “totally political.”

“Judge Kavanaugh is an outstanding person and I am with him all the way,” Trump said. “I think it could be — chance that this could be one of the single most unfair, unjust things to happen to a candidate for anything.”

— Julia Manchester

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