Stone says it’s ‘entirely possible’ he could be framed in Mueller probe

Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone said an interview that aired Friday on Hill.TV’s “Rising” that it is possible he could be framed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference. 

“I think it’s entirely possible that I could be framed on some matter that relates not to Russian collusion or WikiLeaks collaboration or advanced knowledge on the acquisition or publication of [Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman] John Podesta’s emails,” Stone told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton. 

“There is no evidence, no witness that can claim that I’m involved in any of that or for that matter any other illegal activity pertaining to the 2016 election,” he continued. 

“At the same time, I recognize the practice of an out-of-control federal prosecutor’s ability to find underlings, squeeze them and induce them to bear false witness against a bigger fish, and I guess I’m at least a medium-sized fish,” he said. 
Mueller is said to be investigating whether Stone had any advance knowledge of the WikiLeaks dump of the hacked Democratic National Committee documents during the 2016 presidential race.
Stone has yet to be charged with a crime in Mueller’s investigation but has said he expects to be indicted.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday issued a subpoena for Randy Credico, who Stone has said was his back channel to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
Credico has denied contacting Assange on Stone’s behalf and suggested to The Hill that he is considering testifying, but that it would need to happen in an open setting, not behind closed doors.

— Julia Manchester

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