Border Patrol official says Trump’s proposed wall would be ‘absolutely’ helpful

A U.S. Border Patrol chief of law enforcement operations is expressing support for President Trump’s proposed border wall, saying it would benefit agents. 

“Absolutely,” Brian Hastings told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton on “Rising” when asked if Border Patrol agents wanted a wall to be built. 

Hastings’s comments come as a caravan of Central American migrants makes its way to the U.S.-Mexico border. 

“It’s important to note that we have 2,000 arrests per day besides the caravan. That’s everyday business right now for us. We’re very busy. This caravan just adds another component or another challenge to what we do daily,” he said. 

Border Patrol agents on Sunday sprayed tear gas at migrants trying to breach the busy San Ysidro port of entry between Tijuana and California.  

“One thing that we saw that we absolutely could [have] used yesterday is infrastructure. As the subjects from the caravan quickly ran through the forces in Mexico, they went to the infrastructure on the east side of our port of entry in San Ysidro,” Hastings said. “In that particular area, we have old landing mat fence, which was from the ’90s era and was quickly torn apart if you will by several of the subjects there, who were also throwing rocks and projectiles at our agents.” 

“Without a doubt, we could use a wall in an area like that,” he added. 

President Trump on Monday threatened to shut down the border permanently, and urged Congress to provide funding for a wall. 

Lawmakers are working to avoid a partial government shutdown over Trump’s demands for a border wall before the new Democratic-majority House takes over in January. 

— Julia Manchester

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