Hill reporter says there are concerns some GOP legislatures are ‘subverting’ will of the people

Reid Wilson, a reporter for The Hill who focuses on campaign and state politics, said in an interview that aired Wednesday on “Rising” that concerns are being raised over GOP-controlled legislatures using lame-duck sessions to take power away from incoming Democratic governors or lawmakers.

“What this is is effectively Republicans who are using their majorities that they still have until the new session begins in January to cement a little bit of power or take some power away from the incoming Democratic officeholders,” Wilson told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball on Tuesday. 

“That’s raising a lot of concerns that these legislatures are effectively subverting the will of the people after they voted to elect Democratic governors in Wisconsin and Michigan,” he continued. 

Wilson was discussing his recent piece in The Hill, which detailed Republicans taking advantage of the lame-duck sessions to make changes to laws in states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina. 

Republican lawmakers in Michigan, for example, have put forth two proposals that would limit the authority of the state attorney general, and the state Senate is looking at legislation to end the secretary of State’s oversight of campaign finance reporting.

Michigan Democrats won both the attorney general and secretary of state offices in November. 

— Julia Manchester 

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