Dem rep says he’s concerned about Rosenstein’s reported departure

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) said on Wednesday that he has concerns about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s reported plans to depart the Justice Department within weeks.

“I’m concerned about it because I’ve seen him as a reliable, steady public servant that understands his job, and is willing to do it regardless of political pressure,” Kildee told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on “Rising.” 

“Anytime we see some of these career public servants that have clearly done their duty absent the politics of the moment, anytime we see those sorts of folks leaving the government, it raises a lot of concern,” he continued.

“We wonder who is going to be there to say no when we have to say no. He was one of those people, and if he’s not there, that increases our anxiety, that’s for sure,” he said. 

ABC News and CNN reported on Wednesday that Rosenstein, who oversaw special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe, told President Trump he plans to leave the department after attorney general nominee William Barr is confirmed. 

Speculation mounted last year that Trump would fire Rosenstein after The New York Times reported that he discussed secretly recording the president and invoking the 25th Amendment to oust him from office. Rosenstein has denied the report.  

— Julia Manchester

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