Dem strategist says media leaks from Mueller probe should be taken with ‘grain of salt’

Democratic strategist Jennifer Holdsworth said on Friday that media leaks emerging from special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s election meddling should be taken “with a grain of salt.” 

“A lot of the narrative that has emerged about the Bob Mueller report is leaks from the media. They’re anonymous leaks and I think that we need to take them with a grain of salt,” Holdsworth, senior vice president of issues management at MWWPR Public Affairs, told Hill.TV’s “Rising.” 

“We need to let Robert Mueller do his job and either clear the president or indict him,” she continued. 

President Trump and his allies have frequently slammed the investigation as a “witch hunt” and a “hoax.” 

The latest development in the investigation’s saga surrounds former Trump associate Roger Stone, who was indicted last week on seven criminal charges, including obstructing a congressional inquiry, witness tampering and making false statements. He has pleaded not guilty.

Mueller on Thursday asked Judge Amy Berman Jackson for more time to prepare for Stone’s trial, citing the “voluminous and complex” evidence they collected.

Holdsworth cited Mueller’s reputation of being thorough and meticulous in his investigations as more of a reason to trust the outcome. 

“Everybody who has come into contact with Robert Mueller during the course of his career, with the exception of President Trump, knows that he is overwhelmingly professional and ethical,” she said. “He is overwhelmingly ethical, and I think that it takes a long time to build a case.” 

“I think that he is independently verifying every claim that is made,” she said. 

— Julia Manchester

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