The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), said in an interview that aired Monday on “Rising” that special counsel Robert Mueller will not find evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
“They’re not going to find any Russian collusion,” Nunes told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton in an interview late last week. “They tend to use lots of innuendo in their indictments so far, which is unfortunate. I think it’s unbecoming of professionals.”
“As we’ve known since basically the very beginning, once the Mueller team was stacked with hard partisans, that was bad enough,” he continued.
Mueller has been looking into possible collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign as well as investigating Russia’s election interference for nearly two years.
The probe has resulted in the indictments of a number of former Trump associates including former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and longtime adviser Roger Stone.
Nunes also referred to his own committee’s completion of the parallel probe last year in which Republicans on the panel said there was no collusion, while Democrats on the panel disputed those findings.
“We’ve known this for a year and a half. We continued to look, we finally had our report that came out in the spring of last year that I think everyone is aware of, and that report has really stood the test of time,” Nunes told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton in an interview last week.
The congressman was responding to a question about comments from Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who said that the panel still had not uncovered evidence pointing to collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
“If you look at a lot of the indictments of the Russians, a lot of that information was either gleaned directly from that report or it came from the sources, and that was the indictment of, I think, the 17 Russians that were involved in the troll farms,” he continued.
“If you look at the information on Carter Page that had to do with him coming before our committee, no matter if you think Carter Page is innocent or guilty, the fact is that our committee had a great product,” he said.
Trump tweeted on Friday that the mainstream media was ignoring Burr’s comments.
“The mainstream media has refused to cover the fact that the head of the VERY important Senate Intelligence Committee, after two years of intensive study and access to Intelligence that only they could get, just stated that they have found NO COLLUSION between ‘Trump’ & Russia,” the president said.
— Julia Manchester
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