Nunes says GOP lawmakers looking through Russia transcripts, will make DOJ referrals

The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), said in an interview that aired Monday on “Rising” that Republican lawmakers will continue to look through transcripts from interviews conducted by a task force set up by Republicans last year to look into decisions made by the Department of Justice. 

“We’re continuing to work with the task force that was set up late last year between the Judiciary Committee and the Oversight Committee that was led by [former Rep. Bob] Goodlatte [R-Va.] and [former Rep. Trey] Gowdy [R-S.C.] with our recommendations,” Nunes told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton in an interview on Friday.

“We will be continuing that task force, except at that the House Intelligence Committee Republicans will be involved,” he continued. 

“We’re now combing through the transcripts that came last year from the roughly 15 interviews or so. We’ll comb through those and we will be sending those recommendations on to the Department of Justice when the timing is appropriate,” he said. 

Various Republican lawmakers have maintained that the Justice Department was biased against President Trump in its role in the federal probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia’s election meddling. 

The investigation, which was opened by Gowdy and Goodlatte, ended last year, but a number of Republicans have said the matter needs to be further investigated. 

— Julia Manchester

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