Iowa college student Hanna Kinney told Hill.TV on Thursday that two companies have reached out to her about potential sponsorship deals after she made headlines when she accidentally interrupted Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-N.Y.) campaign event to get some ranch dressing.
“Two companies have reached out to me, not going to lie,” Kinney told hosts Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton on “Rising.” “It’s none of the ones people keep on asking about.”
A video clip of Kinney went viral earlier this week after she briefly interrupted Gillibrand at a campaign event she was speaking at in Iowa, telling the senator she was “just trying to get some ranch” dressing.
Roughly 190,000 people viewed the clip within 24 hours, and social media users were quick to dub Kinney the “Ranch girl.”
Kinney threw cold water on speculation that she had signed with big name brands, such as Wishbone.
“CNN mentioned something about Wishbone yesterday, which I didn’t mention in my interview. So I was like alright cool. You’re going to ruin all of my sponsorship deals for different ranches, it’s fine,” she said jokingly.
The 22-year-old also addressed her views on blue cheese, telling Hill.TV she was not a fan.
“I’ve never really been a big fan of blue cheese,” Kinney said. “I think it stems back to when I was a kid. I’ve always liked ranch, and I was going to eat it with pizza at that point, and I accidentally dipped a whole bunch in it and I ate it and it ended up being blue cheese. I think I just scarred myself for the rest of my life.”
— Julia Manchester
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