Giuliani says Mueller probe ‘should never have happened’

President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani told Hill.TV’s “Rising” on Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia’s election meddling proved to be “bad” for the country and “should never have happened.”

Giuliani made the conclusion based on the fact that Mueller found no conspiracy between Moscow and the Trump campaign in the 2016 election, and because he did not deliver a finding on obstruction of justice.

“It’s a very bad thing for the country that we had it because it’s not true,” Giuliani told hosts Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton. “It never should have happened in the first place.” 

“It should have stopped with the indictment of the Russians when there was no American they conspired with,” he continued. 

Giuliani acknowledged that other countries, including Russia, have interfered in other elections, but said the Mueller report stands out because Trump was “basically charged” with treason in the public eye. 

“You don’t think Russians have interfered in our prior elections? You don’t think other countries interfere in elections? People have got to wake up,” Giuliani said. 

“The extraordinary thing about this is not that the Russians tried to interfere  in our election — and they should not have, and we should stop them from doing that. It’s terrible,” he continued. “The extraordinary thing is they basically charged the president with treason.”

Attorney General William Barr on Sunday released a summary of Mueller’s final report. Barr said he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, upon reviewing Mueller’s findings, determined that the president did not obstruct justice. Democrats have said they want to see all of the background materials that led to that conclusion.

— Julia Manchester

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