Dem lawmaker confident majority of Mueller report will be released to public

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), a member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, expressed confidence Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report — or at least the majority of it — would be released to the public.

“Is it your expectation that we will, in fact, see most of this report?” asked Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball.  

“I do,” Khanna said. “That is something that 420 members of the House voted for, the vote was overwhelming and there’s nothing to hide,” he responded, referring to a bipartisan resolution that passed in the House before Mueller submitted his report on the Russia investigation to the Justice Department.

“Let the American people public know,” Khanna said. “Mueller found that the Russians interfered in our elections, that they hacked into the [Democratic National Committee], that they’ve spread misinformation on social media.”

The California Democrat added that “every person should be concerned” about Moscow’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election, so “we understand how we fix this and prevent it from ever happening again.”

President Trump himself has expressed support for the release of Mueller’s full findings after Attorney General William Barr’s summary found no collusion between Russian and the Trump campaign.

“Up to the attorney general, but it wouldn’t bother me at all,” the president told reporters at the White House on Monday.

In his memo, Barr said his goal and intent is to release as much of the report as possible, but cautioned that there are some things that legally cannot be shown to the public.

—Tess Bonn

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