Nevada Democrat defends Biden over Hyde Amendment reversal: ‘Like any politician, the vice president has evolved’

A Democratic Nevada lawmaker is defending former Vice President Joe Biden after the 2020 White House hopeful flip-flipped on a controversial measure that blocks federal funding for certain abortion services.

“Like any politician, the vice president has evolved in his positions and reconfirmed his commitment to woman’s right to choose and has reaffirmed that he wants to work with women to craft the best policies for women’s reproductive health rights,” Sen. Yvanna Cancela (D) told Hill.TV in an interview that aired Tuesday in response to a question over Biden’s decision to renounce his past support for the Hyde Amendment.

“I believe in his sincerity and wanting to do what’s best for women as they make decisions over their bodies,” Cancela added.

The Nevada lawmaker also explained why she endorsed Biden, saying she believes the former vice president is a leader with a vision that can unite the country.

“I think he has a vision for uniting the country, for bringing the country back to a place where we can have conversations and make decisions about hate without racism being part of the mix,” she told Hill.TV. “I’m excited to be part of the team of folks supporting him and I’m looking forward to campaigning as much as I can to get him across the victory line.”

Cancela, a former political director for the Culinary Workers Union, said that Biden’s Democratic campaign is starting to garner a sense of energy in the state, particularly among union members.

“Joe Biden has a long history of supporting working people and a long history of being able to show that his actions match his words, which not all politicians can do,” she said.

Nevada has emerged as a wild card in the Democratic presidential race.

The state, which is third in line to vote in the 2020 nominating process, has largely been ignored by the majority of candidates running for president. So far, fewer than 10 of the 24 Democratic candidates have paid staff in the ground.

“Nevada is a real wild card and there are any number of reasons to believe any of the candidates could do well here,” Molly Forgey, the communications director for the Nevada Democratic Party, told The Hill.

—Tess Bonn

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