Progressive activist: Democratic nominee will ‘need to ride a little bit to the center’

Progressive activist Scott Dworkin said Monday that whoever wins the Democratic nomination will need to be able to appeal to moderate voters in order to beat President Trump in the 2020 election.

“That person’s going to need to unite and they’re going to need to ride a little bit to the center,” Dworkin, co-founder and lead investigator of advocacy group the Democratic Coalition, told Hill.TV during an interview on “Rising.”

“This is a true progressive saying that, but that’s just the truth because otherwise it will boost Donald Trump’s chances,” he added.

Dworkin predicted that former President Barack Obama will hit the campaign trail and be a uniting force among Democrats.

“Somebody’s going to have to unite us — President Obama is going to have a lot to do with that,” he told Hill.TV. “And you’ll see him campaign at a level that it seems like he’s running in 2020.”

Dworkin joined “Rising” to discuss a new book series, the “Meet the Voters Guide,” which seeks to give voters unbiased insight into each of the two dozen Democratic contenders.

“These people are really accomplished and there’s a lot more to them than catchphrases and derogatory terms or hits against them, so we want to make sure that we explain that with the positive and negatives in the book,” he told Hill.TV.

Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to lead the crowded Democratic field in both national and statewide polls.

According to a University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll released Monday, Biden is the top pick among Democratic voters in the Lone Star State. Home-state candidate Beto O’Rourke, meanwhile, came in second with 15 percent support. 

—Tess Bonn 


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