Digital forensics expert, Hany Farid, says we need to recognize that we’ve had the ability to manipulate pictures, videos, etc. but the access to it now is more prevalent and can be used to disrupt elections, sow unrest, and fraud. He says there is technology that costs $50 that people can download and the software will take a picture of woman and rendure her nude so it can be used for pornography. According to Farid the people who are creating the technologies need to start thinking about how their software is being used and there needs to be a dialogue about it. He says legislators also have to start thinking about how to regulate the technology. In regards to regulation Farid says there are pressure points that will make change, those points are advertisers, the public, and legislators. He says the people developing this technology are not doing it for malice reasons, but now that it has been recognized that the technology can be weaponized you need to start acknowledging and doing something about it. Farid believes the tech industry is overwhelmed but it’s their own doing and they need to contend with it. He says when it comes to the threat of deep fakes, it’s not just the technology but the impact of the deep fakes. Farid says we need to start thinking about how we start moving towards more trusted content and it needs to be done by both the creator and consumer.
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