Josh Hawley: Democratic calls for Kavanaugh impeachment show ‘war with constitution’

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley ripped Democratic calls to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV. 

“You know, they want to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, they want to pack the Supreme Court, I mean talk about destroying any institution they can’t control. It’s really unbelievable. This is a Democrat party that increasingly is at war with the American constitution,” Hawley said. 

Hawley, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, was responding to a number of Democratic presidential candidates and members of Congress who have called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment in recent days. The calls come after a since-corrected report in The New York Times alleging sexual misconduct by the Supreme Court justice when he was a student at Yale University. 

The report was adapted from a story in a soon-to-be-published book by New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly. It was based on the account of a witness and did not initially disclose that several friends of the alleged victim of the misconduct, who did not speak to The Times, said she did not recall the incident.

Hawley did not address the specifics of the Kavanaugh report, instead focusing his ire on what he called the broader assaults against the Judiciary.

“I mean they’re willing to destroy an entire branch of government, the independent judiciary they want to destroy it why? Because it won’t rule the way they want it too. I mean is there anything more dangerous to constitutional government than that way of thinking.”

The Missouri senator continued, “My message to my Democrat colleagues would be look its an independent judiciary, sooner or later you’ll have your chance to appoint judges to the bench and you should appoint qualified judges to do so but don’t destroy people and institutions in order to try and get your way. I mean that’s just not who we are as Americans.” 

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