Saagar Enjeti claims media is protecting Biden

Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti 

President Trump suggested yesterday that China look into corruption allegations against Joe Biden’s son Hunter igniting a media firestorm across Washington.

The condemnations came flooding in, calls for the release of the transcript were immediate, and the Ukraine cycle played itself out again in real time. Underlying all of this is of course the rock solid belief by our political class that there is nothing to see at all regarding Hunter’s business dealings.

CNN literally accused him of lying for saying something that I’m willing to wager anyone who watches this show agrees with even if you don’t like Mike Pence.

CNN has decided that Hunter Biden is an obvious eastern European energy savant and they’ve also decided that he also is the greatest Chinese financier since Jack Welch. All of us are now familiar with hunter’s seat on the Burisma energy board but his business dealings with china haven’t come under as much scrutiny. That hasn’t stopped it seems literally almost every anchor in the country from declaring him innocent.

So lets review the facts shall we? Hunter accompanied his father on a 2013 trip to Beijing catching a ride on Air Force 2. Days later a private equity firm called BHR Equity investments raised 1 billion dollars, later raised to 1.5 billion dollars, in funding from the Chinese government. The company’s largest shareholder is…the Bank of China. Guess who sat on the board of that company? Mr. Hunter Biden

And get this. while in China, Vice President Joe Biden shook hands with a man named Jonathan Li his lobby. Hunter Biden got a coffee with Jonathan Li, which his lawyer claims was just a social call. Weird though, because Jonathan li went on to become….the CEO of BHR holdings which won the loan from the Chinese government.

Even better he bought 10% of the company in October 2017, shortly after his father left the white house. Now hunter’s lawyer says that he wasn’t paid to be on the board and he hasn’t received any income from it…yet. He still owns 10% of the fund! he was sitting on the company’s board, you don’t think that he has any incentive whatsoever to pull some strings? What if he sells that share, how much is it worth?

These are obvious follow up questions that any normal journalist would ask, but alas guess it falls on Krystal and me.

The problem for Biden is of course that he has locked himself into a story which is very hard to believe. Listen here where he claims that he never once discussed his son’s business dealings

Every single person watching this program knows that the fact that Hunter was involved in these deals is unseemly and a problem. The media excuses it because it is just so run of the mill for them and not worthy of any real scrutiny, because that’s just how this town works after all.

Consider how routine hunter’s position is, in 2002 George W. Bush’s brother Neil signed a 400,000 dollar consulting contract to advise a Chinese semi-conductor company which was founded by the son of the Chinese president. Our system is infiltrated, corrupt, and rotten.

Hunter is just the latest embodiment of this. Democrats and the media are fooling themselves if they don’t see just how much more there is. While all this is going on, Elizabeth Warren’s entire candidacy is predicated on rooting out corruption and shutting down the interests of the powerful but she can’t condemn this in full, what does it actually tell us about her?

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