Saagar Enjeti: Harris campaign ‘is failing because she doesn’t stand for anything’

Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti

Senator Kamala Harris offered a well reasoned and thoughtful analysis of her campaign, why she’s failing in a new Axios interview. She acknowledged her brand of moderate progressivism mixed with woke identity politics is the exact opposite of what the country wants right now. It was really a cathartic moment.

Just kidding, she blamed voters for being sexist and racist for not seeing her grandeur.

This is so wrong on so many levels. Kamala Harris wants us to believe that voters who twice elected a black man named Barack Hussein Obama to the oval office are racist. Furthermore, if we just take the Democratic electorate. These are people who not only nominated Barack Obama but also one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Who as Democrats always love to remind us…won the popular vote!

Her argument is facile on its face and its insulting to millions of Americans. They’re not backing Kamala Harris because she is not giving them a coherent reason to support her. She’s not losing because of identity issues. Harris’s campaign is failing because she doesn’t stand for anything as far as I can tell. In fact her entire campaign seems predicated on standing astride the progressive and the moderate left to appease exactly nobody.

The lessons of the 2016 presidential election is that voters need to trust you. They need to trust that you will actually fight for the things that you say you will when the push comes to shove, the lobbyists are blowing up your phone, when they’re besieging the white house, and when they buy off your best friend to call you and make you a pitch. That’s why they took a chance on Donald Trump in 2016, probably, I should point out to Ms. Harris, one of the least conventionally electable people in our history. Yet, here we are.

Electability is a trust issue, and there isn’t any real reason to trust Kamala Harris. She doesn’t have bold solutions and she doesn’t even offer voters the warm centrist return to 2012 that Joe Biden does. From the very beginning, she has basically showed us exactly who she was. Remember her spate of hard hearing a few months ago when a man referred to Donald Trump as “mentally retarded” and she laughed along with him, only to say she misheard the remark.

Misheard huh? That was literally the third time in a series of weeks that Harris had claimed to mishear something. This is the same person who raised her hand when she was asked if she supported abolishing private insurance at the presidential debates in June, only to say she misheard the question and she thought the moderators meant if she was willing to give up her own private health insurance.

Before that, as I previously pointed out in September when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked her a question during a January townhall regarding stricter scrutiny of police shootings, she dodged saying that as Attorney General she made it a practice of not weighing in on bills that concerned the matter. A Washington Post fact checker analysis found however that the claim was absolutely false, but she said she misheard.

Harris refused in the early days of the primary to actually commit to anything and that is why she has monumentally fallen in these polls.

The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Harris with just 5% support. That’s a mighty big fall from the 15% number that she displayed in July of 2019.

Things look even worse for her in Iowa, where she claimed she was going to move to. The candidate is putting up just 2.7% in the RCP polling average for the state, in New Hampshire 4.7%. Nevada? 4.5% and South Carolina. 7%. The highest she places in any early state or national poll is fourth place. Not exactly a top tier candidate anymore huh?


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