Current Affairs editor: Warren too focused on plans

Nathan Robinson, editor of Current Affairs magazine, said Thursday that there is a distinct difference between how Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) approach policy.

Robinson notes Warren’s background as a law professor, saying “law professors have this worldview where they like to look at the policy and like to build the plans. They like to have all the rules perfect and all the plans perfect.”

This approach to policy isn’t necessarily a good thing, Robinson argues.

“I think this was one of the big failures of the Obama years and I think that is something that is very worrying about Elizabeth Warren because she is so focused on the plans,” he said.

Obama, like Warren, was a law professor before he entered the political arena.

“Your plans mean nothing if they’re not supported by a large-scale political movement,” Robinson continued.

Sanders is great at doing exactly that, Robinson noted.

“I think one of the things that is very reassuring about Bernie Sanders is he talks about ‘not me, us’ framework,” he said.

A recently released CNN/UNH poll showed Sanders with a 3-point lead over Warren in New Hampshire. 

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