Saagar Enjeti praises Yang for cautioning Democrats on impeachment

Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti 

We have three TVs in our offices here at The Hill, and they are all tuned into the major cable networks.

Almost always without fail, in the middle of the day, stories about impeachment are splashed across all three chyrons. Every network has a congressman or correspondent live from Capitol Hill breathlessly reciting their latest takeaway from a transcript or scrap of information that they coaxed out of a friendly staffer.

Now, establishment Democrats see this and they decide they must of course pounce, this is the most important story of their lifetimes after-all right? Wrong. Literally nobody on the campaign trail cares about impeachment from the candidates to the voters, so much so that even people in the mainstream media are beginning to take notice and marvel at what they think is the ignorance of the American public.

Listen to this from a CNN dispatch via Wisconsin.

You can just see how puzzled they are. I mean look at this tweet from Caitlin Huey Burns of CBS News.

Who attended four presidential town halls over the last two days where the issue of impeachment did not come up once. She notes that two weeks ago while she was in Iowa and attended three at that time, impeachment also did not come up. It’s almost like voters are trying to send a message, they don’t give a damn about impeachment.

And yet, Democratic leaders and their media allies in Washington have of course responded in kind by focusing on nothing but impeachment. The next presidential debate is 15 days away and Rachel Maddow is moderating. Who wants to bet that we’re stiffed a substantive 15 or so minutes again to dither around on impeachment?

The Atlantic is also getting in on the action.

With a new story about how nobody on the campaign trail cares about how, you guessed it, nobody cares about impeachment

The reporter notes that at a recent major political event in Iowa, over the weekend, only one candidate mentioned impeachment during his speech, that candidate’s name is Tom Steyer. He quotes presidential candidate Andrew Yang saying, “we have to face facts where not a single Republican crossed the aisle to support the impeachment vote, adding, that would certainly suggest that impeachment’s going to run aground in the senate and this is going to wind up with Donald Trump claiming innocence and vindication.”

Weird, Yang must be watching Rising, or maybe he just has some common sense. The media and establishment Democrats insistence on not only pursuing impeachment, but thinking it is worthy of bringing the issue at the top of the American people’s mind, is maybe why things are not going so well right now in the 2020 race.

The New York Times came out with a fascinating new poll yesterday.

Of six swing states including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina showing only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders capable of beating Trump by an extraordinarily low margin in the required three out of six states. Warren did not beat Trump in a single one of the battleground states, the best that she could even come up with was Arizona. Guess which candidate has been talking about impeachment the most?

Why is it that establishment Democrats love talking about impeachment so much? It’s because that way they can conceptually get rid of Trump and not actually do anything about the issues that drove millions of people to switch their vote from Barack Obama to him in 2016. They get to continue their business as usual.

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