Hill editor-in-chief: Hunter Biden investigation only a ‘matter of time’

The Hill’s Editor-in-Chief Bob Cusack said Friday that a potential Republican-led investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine is only a “matter of time.”

Cusack told Hill.TV that even though some congressional Republicans have indicated that they aren’t necessarily interested in going down that path, he argued that Trump’s allies like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) or Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) could very well launch a separate committee investigation to look into the former Vice President’s son.

“He doesn’t want to have the spectacle,” Cusack said in reference to McConnell. “And when we talked to senators they’re like, ‘yeah I don’t think we want to mix impeachment with that’ as far as the trial.”

“But I think it’s a matter of time,” he added. “Senator Lindsey Graham is a little bit all over the place recently. He could launch it and he’s a Trump ally.”

Cusack’s comments come as President Trump appears to be facing some pushback from congressional Republicans over whether to call on Biden and his son Hunter to testify in the House impeachment inquiry.

Trump tweeted Thursday that the Bidens “must testify,” raising questions over whether the two would be brought in as part of the public impeachment trial. 

 “What did Hunter Biden do for the money?” @SenJohnKennedy A very good question. He and Sleepy Joe must testify!” Trump tweeted.

However, when asked about Trump floating that the Bidens should testify, Graham said he didn’t understand it as a “defense to the president,” adding “we’ll make that decision, not the president.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who has also repeatedly come to the president’s defense on impeachment, told The Hill that he thought Republicans need to stay focused on the impeachment battle and “not go down any rabbit holes.” 

The GOP has sharpened its focus on Biden and his son as Trump’s impeachment inquiry moves into the public phase. Open hearings are scheduled for next week as Democrats probe the president’s attempts to push foreign governments to investigate his political rivals.

—Tess Bonn

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