Poll: More than half approve of Democrats’ handling of impeachment inquiry

More than half of the voters surveyed in a Hill-HarrisX poll released on Monday approve of the way Democrats are handling their impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

The nationwide survey of registered voters showed that 56 percent support the way Democrats have handled the ongoing impeachment inquiry, compared to 44 percent who said they disapprove.

Pollsters found responses splintered along party lines.

An overwhelming majority of Democratic voters — 86 percent — agree with the way the party have been managing the impeachment inquiry, while 27 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of independents said the same.

The survey comes as Republicans and Democrats square off in the House’s final impeachment hearing, with lawmakers vying to win the battle on public opinion.

Democrats are attempting to make the case that Trump pressured Ukraine to open investigations into his rivals that would benefit him in the 2020 election.

Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking to cast the inquiry as unfair and an attempt by Democrats to undo the 2016 presidential election.

Monday’s hearing comes after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced last week that the House would move forward on drafting articles of impeachment against Trump. Throughout the investigation, the president has denied any wrongdoing. 

The Hill-HarrisX surveyed 1,000 registered voters between Dec. 8 and Dec. 9. The margin of error is  3.1 percentage points.

—Tess Bonn







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