Krystal Ball praises Gabbard’s courage on impeachment

Hill.TV host Krystal Ball on Wednesday praised Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) over her approach to impeachment.

Ball said that of all the 2020 Democratic candidates “Gabbard has taken the most unorthodox approach,” noting that the Hawaii congresswoman initially expressed concerns about launching an impeachment inquiry.

“The media will willfully misunderstand her motives, but it makes perfect sense that Tulsi [Gabbard] would be wary of the way that the Trump era has turned Democrats into unquestioning worshippers of the national security blob,” Ball said.

“I’ve got to say, it takes real courage to think for yourself and try to honestly weigh the issues involved,” she added later. “There aren’t many who appear to be doing so.”

Virtually all of the 2020 contenders have come out in support of removing President Trump from office.

However, Gabbard initially went against the tide of her fellow contenders, and was among those who said she didn’t support impeachment for fear it would be too politically divisive.

Shortly after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump, Gabbard told Hill.TV that a partial transcript of Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president released by the White House doesn’t show a “compelling” case for impeachment.

Gabbard later switched her position after reviewing several documents surrounding Trump’s Ukraine dealings.

“After looking carefully at the transcript of the conversation with Ukraine’s president, the whistleblower’s complaint, the inspector general memo, and President Trump’s comments about the issue, unfortunately, I believe that if we do not proceed with the inquiry, we will set a very dangerous precedent,” she said in a statement.

But Gabbard did not vote Wednesday on the rule to begin debate on the articles of impeachment, which include abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. 

According to ABC News, Gabbard is expected to instead call for a measure to censure Trump over his actions.

The Hawaii congresswoman remains the only eligible 2020 candidate in the House to vote on impeachment, which is expected to take place late Wednesday.

— Tess Bonn

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