Hill.TV’s Saagar Enjeti on impeachment: ‘CNN can see through this nonsense’

Hill.TV host Saagar Enjeti on Thursday scoffed at the pageantry of House Democrats sending the impeachment articles against President Trump to the Senate, saying even “CNN can see through this nonsense.”

House lawmakers on Wednesday formally shifted Trump’s impeachment to the upper chamber, launching a trial to determine if the president will remain in office. In a ceremonial procession, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) signed the two articles of impeachment before they were taken across the Capitol to the Senate by her appointed impeachment managers.

“The fact that CNN can see through this nonsense demonstrates how vacuous our political elite is,” Enjeti said. “They love the pomp and the circumstance and the phrase, ‘right side of history’ because the truth is that they do not have any actual political objection to the status quo.”

“Nancy Pelosi seems eminently comfortable pursing this gambit,” he added, calling her the “perfect foil” for the “impeachment-obsessed” media.

Republicans have chastised Pelosi for her handling of the ceremony after the Speaker made gifts out of the pens she used to sign the impeachment articles.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham lashed out at Pelosi, saying giving out the “souvenir pens” undercut her claims that the impeachment process is a ”solemn and serious” process.

CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash similarly noted that Pelosi’s decision to make gifts out of the pens was “unusual,” saying the gesture is usually used to celebrate the passage of new legislation.

“It was unusual to see that kind of ceremony and handing out the pens and smiling for pictures in this kind of siltation where the House Speaker has bent over backwards to say publicly and privately that this is somber, this is not a time for a celebration,” Bash said Wednesday. 

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