Hill.TV’s Saagar Enjeti rips Sanders for ‘inability to actually fight with bad actors’ in party

Hill.TV host Saagar Enjeti ripped Sen. Bernie Sander (I-Vt.) for apologizing to Joe Biden after one of his surrogates wrote an op-ed alleging that the former vice president had a “big corruption problem.”

“I’ve said it here before, but all of this seems to confirm my real suspicions about Sanders — his constitutional inability to actually fight with bad actors in his party demonstrates that he will bow to them in part when he is president,” Enjeti said Wednesday. 

The op-ed, written by law professor Zephyr Teachout and published in The Guardian, claimed that Biden had “perfected the art of taking big contributions, then representing his corporate donors at the cost of middle- and working-class Americans.”

“Biden has a big corruption problem and it makes him a weak candidate,” Teachout wrote. “I know it seems crazy, but a lot of the voters we need — independents and people who might stay home — will look at Biden and Trump and say: ‘They’re all dirty.’ “

Biden later responded to the op-ed on Twitter, saying “these kinds of attacks have no place in this primary.” He also added that the Democratic primary should be focused on “making Donald Trump a one-term president.”

The latest controversy between the two top-tier 2020 candidates comes after Biden accused the Sanders campaign of doctoring a video to attack him on his social security record. 

“Let’s get the record straight,” Biden told a crowd at Simpson College in Iowa. “There’s a little, doctored video going around … saying I agreed with Paul Ryan, the former vice presidential candidate, about wanting to privatize Social Security.”

Sanders’s campaign manager Faiz Shakir later issued a statement, saying that “Joe Biden should be honest with voters and stop trying to doctor his own public record of consistently and repeatedly trying to cut Social Security.”


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