Krystal Ball: Warren’s cynical attacks on Sanders are exactly why her campaign failed

Hill.TV host Krystal Ball said Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) “campaign was lost long before this election cycle.”

Ball pointed to Warren’s “decision not to run in 2016 – she sat out the most critical election of our lifetime even though she knew better than I did the flaws of Hillary Clinton.” Ball then slammed Warren’s decision to not endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016 noting “when her supposed friend and ally Bernie Sanders, who allegedly shares her politics and was fighting for the same values she had staked her career on got into the race and started sky-rocketing in the polls challenging Hillary for the lead, rather than making the movement choice and backing the progressive, she sat it out.”

Ball claims Warren’s “attempts to co-opt revolutionary rhetoric in service of an establishment campaign, like Disney doing socialism, satisfied no one and left her unable to win more than 1 county and Iowa and an embarrassing distant fourth behind Klobuchar in New Hampshire.”

Click on the video above to catch Ball’s full remarks.


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